Thursday, January 31, 2013

Congratulations to Conner Cleven on being the 4th grade student of the month!! Keep up the hard work Conner! :)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Raven Hill Discovery Center

On Friday, January 25th Raven Hill Discovery Center visited our classroom. Students were able to learn about many different instruments and relate them to electricity, magnetism, sound and much more. Here are a few of the pictures from their time in our classroom. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Fraction Action

We have been learning about improper fractions and mixed fractions. Today, the students paired up and played a dice game to create improper fractions. After that they turned their improper fractions into mixed fractions. 

Ask your child why they had to do a "back flip" to go from an improper fraction to a mixed fraction.

Tomorrow they will compare their answers and see who ended up with the larger fractions. The person with the biggest amount- wins!! :)

How-To Video Project

Don't forget to send in your how-to video projects by the end of the school day tomorrow. I have received a few throughout the week and they are AWESOME! The class is excited to watch them next week. Thank you for all of your hard work at home to create these videos. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Reward Day!! :)

Our reward day last week was AMAZING!! The students that earned reward day were able to play in the computer lab and play dodgeball in the multi-purpose room. I was in charge of the dodgeball group. We had such a blast and I was even able to join in. Here are a few pictures as the kids were running to the half court line to grab a Nerf ball. 

Fun at recess! The students amaze me everyday with their creativity and imagination. From building, to dramatic play, and making new friends...what an awesome group of kids! :)

Adding equivalent fraction pictures to our fraction charts!

Our 4th grade class is very excited to introduce, Summer! She is a new student and is fitting in wonderfully. Welcome to our class, Summer!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Each week the 5th grade safety's vote on a winner for their gold badge. This is a safety that has demonstrated being a SAFE, RESPECTFUL, ACHIEVER. Congrats to Alisyn for winning the gold badge this week!!!

Safety positions are generally for 5th grade students. Due to the number of SAFE, RESPECTFUL, ACHIEVERS we have, some 4th graders have also been included this year. :) 

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Today we had a great discussion on landmarks. Students did a wonderful job identifying different man-made and natural landmarks both in our Midwest region and outside of our region. 

Student of the Month

Congratulations to Andrew, our December student of the month. Andrew brings a positive attitude to our classroom and had been working extremely hard over the past few months. Keep up the good work, Andrew.

Chemical Change

In order to demonstrate the differences between a chemical change and a physical change our class made flubber. Students had to demonstrate patients so every child could make their own. They had a great time and learned in the process. 

Fun during inside recess :)

I am always impressed with the activities the students come up with for inside recess. Look at these great building activities!!