Monday, October 1, 2012

Reward Day Information

Our next rewards day will be Tuesday, November 13th.  To keep you updated at home, students who miss more than 15 blue book points over this 6 week period will not be able to participate in rewards day. Along with blue book points, students will also be rewarded on good attendance and having their homework in on time. Students are expected to maintain a 70% grade or better in each subject area. Students having trouble in any of these areas may not participate in the reward day and will instead use the time to relearn our school expectations and make-up any missing work. Referrals will also be a factor if any student has more than 2 points they will be unable to participate. 

Our first reward day was Friday and was a huge success. Please take a moment to ask your child what events they participated in. Mrs. Cantrell's room was open to students for board games and playing the Wii. We had 3 different Wii centers set up so each student would have a chance to play. We also had a big game of capture the flag going on in the multi room. We are looking forward to the next reward day and planning a fun day already!! 

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