Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Scholastic Book Order

Due to the large Scholastic Book order last month we were able to get many new books for our class library. One of our favorite additions is the entire set of "Diary of a Wimpy Kid"!!!! Every book from the set is loaned out to students already. They are a huge hit in our classroom and we owe it all to you for helping build our bonus points. THANK YOU!!!!!

Monday, October 29, 2012


Starting in November, our class will be tracking their reading time. The time will go towards a reading goal we set as a class. Students will be able to earn book-it certificates to take to Pizza Hut each month. Keep a look out for more information to come!!! :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Yesterday we discussed our American Democracy. After reading an article on the Declaration of Independence, students were asked to create their own declaration. They took the time to prewrite their ideas and then write their final draft on a brown bag. After writing in pencil and going over in pen, students got the chance to crinkle up their declaration (brown bag). This gave each declaration an authentic look and made them soft as if they were very old. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Heat and Matter!!!

After discussing energy and temperature in science, it was time for a science lab. Yesterday we used a balloon, safety goggles, a yard stick, string and a heat source to demonstrate how temperature increases when you add energy. After our experiment each student had to write a journal to explain how heat affected the size of the balloon and what happened to the air particles in the balloon when it was heated. I think we may have a few future scientists in fourth grade this year. :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

MATH GAMES!!! I have added six math games for the students to play if they finish their assignment early. In the next few weeks these will turn into centers for the class. The class has been having fun playing games related to place value and multiplication while learning at the same time. Stay tuned for more centers coming soon. :)


Today we begin MEAP testing again. We will begin with a math MEAP today and finish with writing tomorrow. Thank you for making sure the students are rested and ready to test each day. We are excited to get back to our regular schedule.

Friday, October 12, 2012

MEAP update

Where has the week gone?? MEAP testing has taken over our classroom this week. The students have taken tests in both reading and writing. Next week we will test over math on Tuesday and once again, writing on Wednesday. After that we will be back to our normal schedule. :)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Book Orders!!!

Our classroom received SEVEN free books from Scholastic last month thanks to our two students who ordered. Thank you for ordering and keep an eye out for our October scholastic book order coming home Monday. There are a ton of great deals and Scholastic has made it very easy to order online as well as the option to send any orders in with your student also. Thanks for everything you do to help make our classroom a success!!  

Friday, October 5, 2012

I could not resist taking this picture at the end of recess today. Goodbye summer, hello fall!! Remember to bring jackets because it is starting to get a little chilly out. Happy Friday!! 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Today we discussed MEAP strategies. Each team worked together to answer questions from our story of the week, "Pedro Puts on a Play". I was extremely impressed with how each group used their MEAP strategies to find the BEST answer. Take a moment to ask your child what MEAP strategies they used today. Our testing window starts next week, Tuesday, October, 9th.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Upon arrival this morning, each student's desk was in a new spot and group in our classroom. They formed teams, making team names and selecting jobs for each person. Each group has a leader (speaker), writer, runner and reader. The entire class did a wonderful job and this will continue for the next month. In November we will move desks again and select new students for each job. Each month students will have a chance at a new position in their group. They had to work hard to compromise as a group. This was not an easy task for all groups but compromising is an important life lesson for all of us to learn. :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Reward Day Information

Our next rewards day will be Tuesday, November 13th.  To keep you updated at home, students who miss more than 15 blue book points over this 6 week period will not be able to participate in rewards day. Along with blue book points, students will also be rewarded on good attendance and having their homework in on time. Students are expected to maintain a 70% grade or better in each subject area. Students having trouble in any of these areas may not participate in the reward day and will instead use the time to relearn our school expectations and make-up any missing work. Referrals will also be a factor if any student has more than 2 points they will be unable to participate. 

Our first reward day was Friday and was a huge success. Please take a moment to ask your child what events they participated in. Mrs. Cantrell's room was open to students for board games and playing the Wii. We had 3 different Wii centers set up so each student would have a chance to play. We also had a big game of capture the flag going on in the multi room. We are looking forward to the next reward day and planning a fun day already!!