Friday, May 31, 2013


Mr.G's daughter stopped in the say hello to our school yesterday. She is from Korea and was able to share some interesting information with us. When visiting our class to allowed the students to ask her a few questions. She spoke some Korean to them and even showed them how to spell a few of their names in Korean. These are Theresa, Gavin and Jasmine. They class loved hearing about her culture. Ask your child how birthdays are different in Korea than in America. 

Food Chains

After researching in the computer lab, students worked hard to create their own food chains. It was amazing to see the different plants and animals each student picked. They added extra research and extra facts to the back of each plate as well. 

Sharing our Public Issue Essays

After working hard for several weeks on Public Issues, students were able to share their essays with their groups. After that each group selected one student to read their paper to the entire class. What wonderful writers out 4th grade class has become!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

4th and 5th Awards Assembly

Don't forget, the 4th and 5th Awards Assembly will take place Tuesday, June 4th at 1:30 pm in the elementary gym. We look forward to seeing you there!

Essay Review

Yesterday, students worked together to peer edit their public issue essay for Social Studies. As I traveled around the room I observed many great questions being asked in order to help push each others writing to the next level. I am so proud to see this 4th grade class and how far their writing has come in one year. Keep it up 4th graders!! (Almost 5th graders!!) 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Electrical Circuits

We spent lots of time last week learning about and playing with electrical circuits. The class LOVED it!! They were able to make many different types of circuits using light bulbs, fans, buzzers, a watch and even a switch to turn everything on and off. What a fun science unit!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Magnet lab 2

Using different magnets to test strength on iron filings. Just because a magnet looks bigger and stronger does not mean it has a stronger magnet. 

The Fort on Mackinac Island

After a long, cold day...some students needed a nap on the bus ride back to school. :)