Friday, April 26, 2013

Tar Wars

Oops! I found some pictures from the Tar Wars Assembly we had with the 5th grade class. Students learned about the dangers of smoking and other drugs. Each class was able to participate in a competition to create a unique Tar Wars poster and anti-smoking saying. Two winners were picked between our two classes. The winners are......Gus Baldwin and Issac Kroll!!! Congratulations!!

Spring Scale Lab

This week we are working on measurement in math and science. Our spring scale lab took students around the room to measure different objects using grams, ounces and kilograms. They did a great job!


Check out our plants!!! We even noticed beans earlier in the week. :)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Social Studies Test Coming Soon!

Students will be bringing a study guide home tonight to study the next three days. Tuesday I will collect study guides and the test will be given. Please remind students to study!! 

Plant life

Check out how our plants have been growing...

They will be headed home in the next month! Be on the look out. :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

It's been way too long since my last post!!

Sorry for the delay. Coming back from break has kept us very busy in 4th grade. Especially, having a snow day in April!! 

I wanted to announce one last time that our students ended up reading a total of 35,795 minutes for BOOK-IT over the past 5 months! They are awesome and I couldn't be more proud! Thanks for all you did at home to help them reach their goals.