Thursday, March 21, 2013

Decimal Flip chart

Now that we have moved onto decimals, we made a flip chart that would include both fractions and decimals. Inside students will add equivalent fractions and use this as a quick reference to help with their math work. 

Fossil Lab

Our class has been learning about fossils. To understand further how they are made we did a science lab using sugar cubes, hot glue and water. Each group made their own fossil. Ask your child how these fossils were made. :)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Problem Solving Skills

The 4th graders have been working on to use their problem solving skills and newly learned fraction skills this week. Each day they have had a story with multiple problems to work through. They have impressed me with how much they have learned even this week. They are practicing math skills along with learning to work with others and use each others skills to solve problems. Keep up the good work 4th grade. :)

Root Vue Project

This week the Agriscience class donated  Root Vue equipment to our class. We were able to plant onions, carrots and radish and watch as not only the plants grow up through the soil but also as the roots grow. Here are a few pictures as we put our Root Vue project together. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Every Thursday after recess our class heads to the library. The students have enjoyed picking out a new book each week to read. They impress me each week with their choices and the new things they are learning from these books. 

Pizza Party

Our compliment bucket was filled up once again. In the fall we had a pajama party when our class first received 10 compliments  This time the class voted and a pizza party was the top choice. BC Pizza delivered 5 yummy pizzas to our classroom last Thursday and in no time, they were gone. Thanks to the 4th graders for being such an awesome group. I can't wait to see what they will pick for our next compliment bucket reward!

Dark Vs. Light Bean Update

This week our beans are growing like crazy!!! We have observed that the beans in the dark did not grow at all. The beans in the light however, are growing beautifully. Take a look at what we have seen so far. 

The first two pictures are from last Wednesday.

The picture below is from today!! Look how much our bean plant has grown in the past week. 

You can also see the plants from our Agriscience class growing nicely in the background as well.