Sunday, December 29, 2013

Mrs. Spies is coming back!!

I am excitedly awaiting Monday, January 6th as I will be back in the classroom. Mrs. Cook will still be with our class on and off that first week. I have been working in the class over break and can't wait to start some new centers, a science unit on properties of matter, a new math unit on adding and subtracting fractions and much  more. Enjoy the next week of break and I will see you soon! :)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Cranbrook Science Assembly- Dry Ice, Animal Skulls & Electricity

On Friday, the Cranbrook Institute of Science visited our Elementary. The students enjoyed seeing a dry ice presentation, learning about animal skulls and most of all electricity. The students did a great job answering questions about electricity from their prior knowledge over the past few weeks. They were able to play with equipment to make simple circuits and will continue this in class this week. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Static Electricity Lab

Students used balloons, wool cloth and their hands to test static electricity. They found out that when the balloons were both rubbed by the wool cloth the protons repelled each other. When they put their hand or the wool cloth in between the balloons, the balloons were attracted to the negative charges. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

ej Iron Works field trip

We had a great time at the East Jordan Iron Works facility on Friday. 4th graders were able to learn lots of valuable information about economics and get some science in as well.