Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Congratulations to November's student of the month, Jasmine Washburn!!!! 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fun at recess!!! Snow is on the ground. Make sure to send your student with warm clothes to play outside each day. Thanks!!

If for any reason, you are not able to supply your child with clothes to play outside, please let me know. I appreciate any feedback from home regarding your child and their success during the school day. :)

Computer Lab!! Last week each student worked on their keyboarding skills and those who worked hard earned some free time for the last 10 minutes. The were able to choose between or for their free time. I have been extremely impressed with the keyboarding skills this class possesses. Awesome work 4th grade!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Our work stations are finally up and running!! In groups of two or three students will work at two stations a day. This gives students a chance to get out of their seats, move around and work on concepts I am teaching in class. We have two math stations, vocabulary, writing,  smartboard, grammar, and our classroom library. This not only helps each student practice these important concepts but gives them freedom within each area as well. 

Another important aspect of work stations is opening up a specific time for me to work with specific students. I am able to pull a group aside and work with them on concepts they may be struggling to understand. If you see your child struggling with anything specific at home, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Emmet Count Recycling Center

Yesterday our class went to the Emmet County Recycling Center. Here is a sneak peak at one of our stops on the trip. This weekend I will upload the rest of the pictures to our class website. We had a great day!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


3rd-5th grade students who have worked hard over the last six weeks earned reward day today. The students were give three choices of movies and Matilda and Dolphin Tale were the top two choices. Keep up the good work! The next reward day will be held on January 18th. Have any ideas for the next reward day? 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Viking Fest

We hope to see everyone at Viking Fest tonight. Games will run from 5:30-7:30 pm. You can also enjoy a pizza dinner with your family in the Snack Shack. Come visit the 4th grade room and play Bean Toss for only 3 tickets. :)

Penny War

Thank you for everyone that donated to our penny war. We gave Ms. DeWyre's class the closest competition she has ever had. We ended up with 105 pounds of pennies and fell short to Kindergarten's 156 pounds. 105 pounds of pennies is an amazing grand total. GREAT JOB 4th GRADE!!!!

This is a picture of our pennies for week 4 alone. WOW!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Our class goal for the month of November is 6,000 minutes. As of this morning we already have 1,285 minutes. Keep up the great work 4th grade!!!