Friday, September 28, 2012

Please take a moment to check out our 4th grade STUDENT OF THE MONTH!!! Congratulations to Sierra Swenor! Keep up the great work Sierra. I will be on the look out for our next SAFE, RESPECTFUL, ACHIEVER for student of the month

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Just a reminder that Friday is our first reward day. We will be taking an hour out of our day to reward the students who have worked hard since school began. Keep up the good work!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

We had a great time on our field trip last week. Please check out our website as I have added a new page of field trip pictures. I still have more to post so continue to check back over the next few days. Here's a sneak peak at our class picture.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Each week a different student will be selected as our "Super Kid" student of the week. A note will go home in the chosen students Monday folder and must be sent back before Friday. The student needs to fill out all of the information about themselves and may bring in up to 5 pictures to include on the board. Their information will be posted the next week. 

Bringing in pictures is not mandatory. If pictures are not available they may draw a picture of themselves to include on the bulletin board.  The class has really enjoyed our first student of the week and we are looking forward to many more.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Take a look at our AR cart. We will be sharing this with the 3rd and 5th grade classrooms. We are lucky to have such a great book room and library!! 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Just a quick reminder. Mrs. Racignol is asking that all students wear dots tomorrow for "Dot Day". We will also be having our 2nd spelling test tomorrow. Remember to study!!

Looking forward to our field trip next Thursday!!
Yesterday we began our AR cart! The students each chose a book that suited their own reading level and interest. Make sure to ask your child what book they chose and why.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We had a great day in fourth grade today! Vocabulary words including fluke, glared, legendary, muttered, gaped, flinched, snickering and stunned were introduced during reading. We will continue to use these words as we read our upcoming story, "Mighty Jackie The Strike-Out Queen". During writing we continued to  read other personal narrative texts and each student wrote a draft of their own.

Our morning routine will now begin with star math. This is a math practice/ test program where students work at their own level. Each student has their own file containing their own practice sheets. This will help find key concepts that each student may be struggling with and give them extra practice in that area.

Monday, September 10, 2012

We have started our second week of school and I am happy to say WE HAVE BLUE BOOKS!!! Each student was given a blue book (assignment book) today and a letter of explanation on how these books work. Please take some time to look over the letter, sign it and sign the page for today in your child's blue book. Each student will bring their book home daily to be checked and signed. Parents will be able to see if their child has homework and any notes made by the teacher throughout the day. You will also be able to see if students missed any previous homework by looking back for highlighted assignments. This is a great way to help keep your child organized and help teach them responsibility. Please feel free to write messages to me as well. I will be checking blue books daily. Thanks for all you do and I look forward to another wonderful week with your children.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Today we began reading a story called "The Hot and Cold Summer". Ask your child their prediction about the pizza challenge between Rory and Derek. We also started working on ideas for our writing folders. Then continued talking about place value and we added a fourth way (or form) to write a number. Tomorrow we will continue this in math to make sure we have a better understanding of place value through hundred thousands.

We have been waiting anxiously for our blue books and found out today that there was a delivery issue. The order was fixed and they will hopefully be here ASAP. If they are not available on Monday we will send further information home. Thanks!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The second day of fourth grade was full of new things and reviewing some of the old as well. We reviewed parts of the handbook that we discussed yesterday. During Language Arts, we read about character traits and held discussion about them as well. We took notes in our math notebooks on expanded form, word form and standard form while reviewing place value and finished with a math assignment. Lastly, we began learning about Michigan for social studies. We has an awesome day in fourth grade and I look forward to seeing everyone again tomorrow. Get some rest! :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Thank you for all the classroom supplies!!! We will be putting these to good use throughout the year. :)